Private Policy

Effective date: 1st November, 2023

1. Introduction

At "Yes Lets", we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle, store, and use your personal data when you interact with our website.

2. Who are we?

"Yes Lets" is a CIC organisation. For any data protection-related queries or to exercise any of your data protection rights, please contact us through the provided contact information on our website.

3. What data do we collect and why?

When you sign up for our newsletter through our website, we collect your email address. This information is solely used to send you updates, news, and relevant information about our charity and its activities.

4. How do we collect your data?

Your email address is collected via a form on our website when you voluntarily provide it for newsletter sign-ups.

5. Data Storage and Security

The data you provide is stored securely on Webflow's servers. We have implemented measures to ensure the safety of your personal data.

6. Third-party sharing

We do not share your data with third parties.

7. Your Rights

You have the right to request access to, correction of, or deletion of your personal data. To exercise any of these rights, please email us using the contact information provided on our website.

8. Changes to this Policy

From time to time, we may update this Privacy Policy. We will notify you of any changes by posting the revised policy on our website.